Saturday, 29 June 2013

37 - Flowers

'Consider the lilies of the field, how they grow: they neither toil nor spin, yet I tell you, even Solomon in all his glory was not arrayed like one of these.' (Matthew 6:28-29)

We held a goodbye party for some church friends today and I was in charge of the flower arranging. Hence today's post. (You can tell I write spur of the moment, instead of carefully planning them :)

We have many reasons to be thankful for flowers, and they're not all about how pretty they are either. (Although that is one reason)

Flowers can really transform a garden, making it somewhere beautiful in the spring/summer season. The sight of them coming up in the ground is a reminder that winter is finally coming to an end and spring is on its way!

As Mum pointed out, all you need to do is put a couple of flowers in a vase and voilĂ ! 
You have something to decorate the room with, no work needed. God's decorations are perfect. 

But there is so much more about a flower to remember. 

Although they make look like such fragile things, no easily crushed, God actually created them with an incredible structure. They are strong enough to hold themselves up, capable of reproducing without moving, and some are even capable of defending themselves, with thorns for example! 

Flowers are a reminder of our Creator. He who takes such care in the smallest flower will surely take care of you, created in His own image. 

Thank you Lord. 

Thursday, 27 June 2013

36 - Shoes

'I...shod you with fine leather.' (Ezekiel 16:10)

Now, before you exit from my blog in a huff, thinking "Shoes? What a female thing to say!", bear with me a moment. 

The other day I went for a walk in a forest with some of my family. I hadn't been aware we were going on this walk, as a result, the only shoes I had to wear were flip-flops. This wasn't too bad until we got home and I saw the attractive state my feet were in. As I washed them in the bath, I found myself thinking of what people had to wear in their feet in Biblical times. 

Sandals. Just sandals. In dry, dusty Israel. Jesus and his disciples walked miles in this way.

No wonder there are references to washing feet, such as the woman who wept at Jesus feet or Christ himself washing his disciples' feet. They probably needed it a lot! 

But how often do I pull on my trainers or a pair of wellies without being glad they're there? Without being thankful I don't have to walk barefoot, as many people in other parts of the world have to? 

He is the one who provided the money and environment which allows me to have shoes on my feet. And I thank Him for them. 

Monday, 24 June 2013

35 - Humour

'There is nothing better for a person than that he should eat and drink and find enjoyment in his toil. This also, I saw, is from the hand of God' (Ecclesiastes 2:24)

I find it so sad that many perceive Christians to be a bunch of fun-sucking, humourless people. Because sometimes they're right. And they shouldn't be! Christians have the biggest reason in the world to laugh and enjoy life - they're saved! 

Our church just had a weekend away together, and let me tell you, there was a lot of laughter in those few days. Sometimes the laugh-until-you-cry kind. (Such as a mock talent contest,  a friend trying to play the guitar and singing 'Crown Him with Many Crowns' in a fake Bristolian accent, and some daring impersonations of our pastors). It was great fun. 

I'm not saying we should be over-the-top Pollyannas, always looking for the reasons to be glad, always seeing the glass as half-full. (Though that might not be such a bad thing...)  

I'm saying God has blessed us with a life that can be pretty hilarious. 

So let's be thankful for it and enjoy it!

Thursday, 20 June 2013

34 - Jesus

'He is the image of the invisible God, the first-born over all creation. For by him all things were created: things in heaven and on earth, visible and invisible, whether thrones or powers or rulers or authorities; all things were created by him and for him. He is before all things, and in him all things hold together. And he is the head of the body, the church; he is the beginning and the first-born from among the dead, so that in everything he might have the supremacy. For God was pleased to have all his fullness dwell in him, and through him to reconcile to himself all things, whether things on earth or things in heaven, by making peace through his blood, shed on the cross.' (Colossians 1:15-20)

Next time there is a clear starry night, stand outside and have a look up into the sky. The God who made all that you see - who made you - once became a man. 

Think about that.

The holy, powerful, sovereign and supreme Lord of all put himself into the lowly form of a man. A man who was capable of feeling tired, sad and lonely. Who wasn't much to look at (Isaiah 53:2)

Yet He didn't stop there. 

He brought Himself even lower and died an agonising and humiliating death on a cross. 
And because He was willing to put Himself through all that, we now have the chance of eternal life. 

We don't have to live in fear of messing up. 

We know our prayers are interceded for through Him.

We know that whatever we go though, He knows and understands what we're feeling.

God, thank you that you love me so much that you have withheld no good thing from me.

Not even your own Son.
Thank you for Jesus Christ! 

Wednesday, 19 June 2013

33 - Eyes

'The eye is the lamp of the body. So, if your eye is healthy, your whole body will be full of light' (Matthew 6:22)

Our eyes are incredible. They are just one of the many things in the world that prove what a skilled Creator we worship. 

How about this fact?

'The information our eyes receive is sent to our brain along the optic nerve. This information is then processed by our brain and helps us make appropriate decisions, for example, if you can see an object flying in your direction then you will probably move quickly out of the way.' 

So what our eyes see affects the way we act. And just think how fast that information is sent! 
Oh, and that optic nerve is too sensitive to be reconstructed successfully, meaning eyes can't be transplanted. God is intricate in His work. 

Or this. 

Eyes heal quickly. With proper care, it only takes about 48 hours for the eye to repair a corneal scratch.

Or even this. 

'The light sensitive tissue lining the inner surface of your eye is known as the retina, acting in a similar way to film in a traditional camera.'

The way eyes are made inspired the making of cameras. In fact, most man made things are inspired by God's creation. 

But cameras will never be as amazing as eyes. 

Thank you Lord for our eyes which not only show us all you have done, but are a reminder in themselves of why we should be thankful! 

Tuesday, 18 June 2013

32 - Air

'The Lord God formed the man of dust from the ground and breathed into his nostrils the breath of life' (Genesis 2:7)

How good is it to walk out of a stuffy house and breathe in the fresh air? 

How often do we take for granted that every time we inhale and exhale carbon dioxide will leave our bodies and oxygen will be replace it?

It is only by the goodness of God that we have a respiratory system that works so excellently. 

It is only by His goodness that the air of our planet can sustain us. 

Sit up straight, fill your lungs and give thanks for the God who made the air that fill them! 

Saturday, 15 June 2013

31 - Friends

'A friend loves at all times...' (Proverbs 17:17)

I'd like to establish at the beginning I'm not just talking in terms of Facebook friends! I'm talking about those who are your real friends, not just someone you know. 

There's a saying that you can't choose your family, but you can choose your friends. 

 I disagree.

I say God chooses both. And I'm so, so thankful for the friends He chose for me.

He's blessed me with friends from many places. From my old home, from the school I sat my GCSEs, from my sixth form, from various events we've attended as Christians and homeschoolers and, finally, from church. 

Some we see every week. Some we see once a year. 

Of course they're not perfect. No friend is. They can be boring, annoying, even very hurtful.

But in the end, that doesn't matter. Because they are my friends.

And they are one huge reason to be thankful. 

Friday, 14 June 2013

30 - Holidays

'It shall be a year of solemn rest for the land.' (Leviticus 25: 2-7)

Following quickly on from the previous post in case people think I'm work-addicted...

We can be thankful education does not last forever and the holidays arrive!

Although we might not get a year of rest, like in the verse above (if only), we can be very, very thankful for holidays. 

Like the weekend, I think some people just keep going by focusing on the holidays! 

Our summer holidays often end up being very busy. But it's nice. I personally don't think holidays spend day after day indoors, glued to screens, are that enjoyable. They're times for fellowship with others, fun, and, hopefully, ice cream on the beach! 

Whatever our holidays hold, let us give thanks to the Lord who knew how much we would need the rest! 

29 - Education

'God gave them learning and skill in all literature and wisdom' (Daniel 1:17)

I have officially finished Uni for the year, after a very tough three hour Lit exam, WOO-HOO!!! 

So this should mean I have more time to blog. 

And with it being exam time for many, what better to write about than education? 

Most people I know aren't too keen on it. I'm keen on it. Who wouldn't rather have time to yourself than spend hour upon hour revising? 

Yet there is no doubt that education is still a blessing from God. 

He gave us the brains to be able to work and improve the way we learn. He put us in a country where materials and trained teachers are available, something many countries do not have. 

Education used to be restricted for a select few. We can be thankful we have moved on from those times. 

Without education, we would not be able to get the jobs we won't. So, however hard it is, let's try to be thankful for it. ;)

Monday, 10 June 2013

28 - Political Freedom

'Let every person be subject to the governing authorities. For there is no authority except from God, and those that exist have been instituted by God.' (Romans 13:1)

Although we don't always agree with the changes our government makes - after all, they're not Christians - and although some reading this might not have voted for the government presently in power, we can still be thankful for them.

Thankful we live in a democracy. 

Thankful we have the vote. 

Thankful those ruling over us have been put there by God.

And thankful they are submissive to God, whether they realise it or not. 

In this country, we don't face political persecution. We are allowed the freedom to worship than many other countries are denied. 

May we never take that lightly. 

Saturday, 8 June 2013

27 - Sleep

'If you lie down, you will not be afraid; when you lie down, your sleep will be sweet.' (Proverbs 3:24)

I can think of a number of people who are going to agree with this! 

Isn't it one of the nicest things ever to collapse into your bed after a tiring or stressful day, to close your eyes and (hopefully) wake up refreshed the next morning? 

A good night's rest is another of the many things we take for granted until we don't have it. I went through a stage in my life when each night was a struggle to switch my mind off, as it were, and fall asleep. But God is good and that stage seems to have passed. 

But what about insomniacs? People working night shifts? Those too stressed or too ill to sleep? 

Sleep is a reminder we are dependent on God. We're not powerful. Our bodies can't take endless activity. 

So next time your head touches the pillow, be thankful for the gift of sleep. 

Friday, 7 June 2013

26 - Diversity

'...behold, a great multitude that no one could number, from every nation, from all tribes and peoples and languages, standing before the throne and before the Lamb...' (Revelation 7:9)

First things first, I'm not referring to the Britain's Got Talent dance group. Let's not be silly here ;) 

It is a sign of the great creativity of God that He made humanity so different. Thank goodness we are not a huge group of identical clones! Life would get very boring. 

While it is true that different languages arose because of the pride shown at Babel, the individuality of humans is something we can be very thankful for. 

And not just diversity between countries. 

Diversity between within countries, such as the Scottish, English, Welsh and Irish.

Diversity between families, from singles, to huge families, to a new couple, to the elderly. 

And diversity between individuals. There is no-one on Earth who is exactly the same as you. Isn't that staggering? 

Finally, we can be thankful for the diversity of the gospel. It wasn't just for the Jews. It was for everyone who calls on the name of Christ.

Heaven will be a clear picture of God's love of diversity. Let's celebrate and be thankful for it today. 

Thursday, 6 June 2013

25 - Opportunities to serve

'For even the Son of Man came not to be served but to serve, and to give his life as a ransom for many.' (Mark 10:45) 

'True greatness in the kingdom of God consists not in position or authority but in serving one another' (Jerry Bridges)

Christianity is unique in that we worship a Lord who came to serve. On the night of His death, He was serving his disciples by washing their feet. (Whereas I would probably be howling in a corner somewhere, begging 'Please God, don't let me die!)

Therefore, we can be thankful that God creates numerous opportunities for us to imitate His Son and reach true greatness by serving others. There are so many ways this can be done, from serving tea and coffee after a Sunday service, to helping put away chairs, to little jobs in the home, such as offering to wash up. 

But no matter how many opportunities God creates for us to serve, they are no good unless we have the right attitude and desire to serve, looking with open eyes and seeing what needs doing.

So we can also be thankful that the Holy Spirit is changing us each day, making us more receptive to these chances. 

Thank you God. Make me a servant for your glory! 

Author's note

Just wanted to say sorry if my tone has come across as a self-righteous know-it-all. I'm not telling my readers what they should be doing.
I'm telling myself what I should be doing.
I'm not thankful enough. Which is why I need to remind myself every day of my reasons to be thankful.

Wednesday, 5 June 2013

24 - Houses

'And when the Lord your God brings you into the land that he give you—with...houses full of all good things that you did not fill' (Deuteronomy 6:10-11)

I remember hearing a fact once that if you owned a house, you were among the richest people in the...what was World? 
Something impressive anyway.

We don't often think of ourselves as rich, but do we consider how blessed we are to have places to live in? Yes, maybe some of you reading this are paying mortgages or renting where you live. 

But you still have a roof over your head. You aren't out on the street. 

So next time we're tempted to moan about leaky taps, small rooms, etc., may we remember those who don't have somewhere to live. And be thankful we do. 

Tuesday, 4 June 2013

23 - Art

'He has filled them with skill to do every sort of work done by an engraver or by a designer or by an embroiderer in blue and purple and scarlet yarns and fine twined linen, or by a weaver—by any sort of workman or skilled designer.' (Exodus 35:35) 

Having done Art GCSE, I have a tiny taste of just how hard it is to create good art. I'm not sure you're ever quite satisfied with what you produce.

But it's truly amazing God made people in His image to be artists. That's the only reason they're creative. Because they're made in the image of the Creator. Just look at sunsets, or a mountain to appreciate the art of God. 

Obviously not everyone can create art in the same way. But those who can't can still enjoy it, can't they? 
Who can't stand in front of a Monet and be impressed at his brush strokes? Or admire some clever sculpture? And even though you might not consider him an artist, you have to admit Banksy has got some skill! ;)

Whether we're the ones making art, or admiring art, let's be thankful for it. 

22 - Hair

'Why, even the hairs of your head are all numbered.' (Luke 12:7)

Haven't posted for a while :/ Uni and assignments and revision and stuff to blame. But just think how many I can get done after I finish!

Now, hair. 

You may be thinking this is something a girl is going to be more thankful for than a guy. After all, they're the ones cutting, washing, straightening, curling, dying and styling it, aren't they?

Well, I'm sure guys are thankful for their hair too! (Stops them getting sunburnt on the head, after all ;) 

Seriously though, as a girl, I consider my hair a blessing from God. 

Just think of those losing it because of cancer or stress or some other reason. 

Let's not suddenly be thankful for something when it's gone. 

Finally, just remember. God loves you SO much that he knows the exact number of on your head. 


Now there's a reason to be thankful!