Saturday, 31 January 2015

138 - Gloves

It's winter. A fire crackles in the grate. And as I type this, my hands are cold.

Maybe I have poor circulation, or maybe it's because of my low iron levels, but my hands always seem to get cold.

But it's a reminder about gloves, and how we can be thankful for them. No, I'm not wearing gloves right this minute. (But I have worn fingerless ones while working before).

When you're outside, and the air's cold enough to bite...when your pockets don't quite do the wriggle your hands into those gloves...and be thankful for the wool of sheep and the machines that made them.

Thank you God for gloves.

(And I didn't even get round to medical gloves, gardening gloves, washing up gloves...)

Thursday, 15 January 2015

137 - Street Lamps

'And God said, “Let there be light,” and there was light.' (Genesis 1:3) 

Couldn't resist using a verse like that...

We had a bad rain fall today with some high winds strong enough to shake the street lamps.

Have you thought about street lamps lately?

They come on each evening without fail, lighting up our streets at night.

But in some back streets like ours, they're turned off after one o' clock, or some time like that. And although it may save electricity, let me just say that since it started, we've had a case of graffiti and a burglary on our street.

Light makes us feel safer. The dark can be scary.

Let's be thankful for the street lamps' light.

Wednesday, 14 January 2015

136 - Getting good results

'Commit your work to the Lord, and your plans will be established.' (Proverbs 16:3) 

Obviously the verse above doesn't mean a Christian is guaranteed success.

But when you've worked hard and God blesses you with good results, it's a moment to enjoy and be thankful for.

When I got my A-Levels, I think I remember actually jumping up and down with excitement.

And today, one of my assignments got a high mark, which made me nearly fall off my chair with surprise. Then grin like an idiot.

I'm not saying this to brag (believe me, I know people who are WAYYYYYYYYYYY cleverer) but to say that I recognise I could not get these results if God had not given me the brains and the motivation, if He had not blessed me beyond what I deserve - as He does everyday.

Thank you God for good results!

135 - The chance to donate blood

'...its blood is its life...' (Leviticus 17:14) 

Due to only having a holiday job, not a full-time one, I wouldn't consider myself financially rich. (The fact I tend to be tight-fisted doesn't help this outlook).

But there are other things I have that I can freely give.

And one of them is blood.

I'm thankful that I'm healthy enough to give. That I'm not squeamish at the sight of needles. That just one pint from me could be enough to save a life. I may never know if actually have saved anyone. But that's OK.

Because I remember someone else who bled, that others might have life. Whose life and death saved many.

Thank you God for the chance to donate blood -

- and thank you for that day when Jesus shed His blood for us.

134 - Inspiration

I love it when you get that moment when the right words or a great idea just pop up out of nowhere.

When you're writing something on your laptop and your fingers are flying across the keyboard.

When you are trying to think of a theme for a party, say, and you find a great one.

When you know what your next project is going to be.

Or when you sit down to make a list of blog ideas and end up with a massive list far longer than you expected. (What do you mean I'm talking about myself? )

We know God has given us SO much to be thankful for, but there's something amazing about seeing them appear in a long list.

So, those who subscribed to this blog, I'm afraid your Inbox is going to be seeing a lot more of me... ;)

Thank you God for moments of inspiration.

Tuesday, 13 January 2015

133 - Smart Phones

So, I've already written a post on mobiles. 

Now I want to focus on smart phones. Because I just got my Dad's old one. And it's pretty cool!

They're basically mini computers aren't they?

They can hold your contacts, your Bible, the Internet, the many, many social media websites, movies, music, photos...

I know they can be time consuming and distracting. I know not everyone has one.

But the other day, I was able to do my quiet time during my break at the shop I volunteer at. Because my phone had my Bible and notes on.

They can be used for good too.

And I'm thankful for the brains God made that thinks these things up.

132 - The gift of tounges

'And they were all filled with the Holy Spirit and began to speak in other tongues as the Spirit gave them utterance.' (Acts 2:4) 

To those who still read this blog - happy 2015!

I've already written about prophecy, now I want to talk about why we can be thankful for the gift of tongues.

After the Flood, man built the tower of Babel - and God made them talk in different languages, breaking them apart. To stop them glorifying themselves.

At Pentecost, the Holy Spirit came - and the disciples spoke in different languages, bringing 300 people together into the first church, that God would be glorified.

What an incredible reversal!

Not everyone is blessed with tongues. Not everyone agrees on them, but for those who do - isn't it an amazing gift?

The person baptised with the Holy Spirit can suddenly speak in a language they don't know, that they've never learnt - and often, someone who might not know the language either, can be given the gift of interpretation.

Tongues reminds us God still actively works. The gift reminds us that we are not meant to be excluded and alone. We can't be a Christian alone, or a church cut off from the world. We are one body. And tongues reminds us we need unity.

And one day, a great multitude 'from every nation and all tribes and peoples and tongues' shall stand before the throne and worship the One True King. English, Spanish, Chinese, name it, you shall hear that language in heaven, I don't doubt.

Who knows? Maybe we can spend some of eternity learning them.

Thank you God for the gift of tongues.