Thursday, 30 April 2015

148 - Clocks

' ...teach us to number our days ...' (Psalm 90:12)

So, I've written about alarm clocks. 

Now, ordinary clocks. 

Our lives can sometimes seem dictated by time. 

Days, hours, minutes, seconds. 

When shall we meet? How long until...? Are we there yet?

If the clock breaks...well, things get confusing. And don't even talk about when the hour changes! 

Thank you God for clocks to keep us the one at the bottom of my laptop screen, reminding me it's time for bed! 

Thank you for their reminder to make the most of the time we have - because we never know how long that time is. 

147 - Glue

Often, some valued items of mine have been broken, and then fixed by glue. Favourite necklaces and so on.

It's pretty cool stuff, isn't it?

(As long as you don't get it on your hands. And forget Pritt stick, that stuff hardly ever works...)

But otherwise!

Thank you God for glue.

146 - Pebble in your shoe

Odd one, you think.

But if you consider.

It means you own a pair of shoes.

It means you have two feet, capable of walking.

It means you have nerves in your feet that are working properly.

And it should mean that you have the muscles to bend down and the hands to remove that pebble.

Funny how if we think hard enough, we can still find things to be thankful for in the little things of life.

I guess that's where the term 'silver lining' comes from!

Thank you God for the hidden reasons to be thankful.

Tuesday, 21 April 2015

145 - Meaningful conversation

'Let your speech always be gracious, seasoned with salt, so that you may know how you ought to answer each person.' (Colossians 4:6)

Has it really been that long since I last posted? *sigh*...

When we talk to people, it can be so easy to talk about mundane, everyday stuff. Because the weather is easy to discuss. That's why it's one of the first things we talk to strangers about. (So British.)

That's why, when you find friends you can actually have meaningful conversation with, it's so refreshing. 

I'm not saying that talking about what you've done over the past week, or asking what someone else has done is shallow or something. Oh no. 

What I'm saying is the kind of talk where someone wants you to share how God's been awesome in your life recently...the kind of talk where a friend shares some new insight into a Bible verse...those conversations are special. Something to be thankful for. 

It's not always possible to have this type of conversation with everyone. So value the people you can have it with. Maybe work on having more of them. 

And thank God for them.