Thursday, 28 January 2016

175 - God took the initiative.

'...but God shows his love for us in that while we were still sinners, Christ died for us.' (Romans 5:8)

I previously wrote a blog post on God choosing us (107, if you're interested). we stop and think about the fact He chose us first? 

How does Spurgeon (whose words are better than mine) put it...

'...not only is the mercy which you and I have received undeserved, but it was unasked. It is true you sought for mercy but not till mercy first sought you...You would have been still today hardened in heart, without God, and without Christ, had not free grace saved you. Can you be proud then?-proud of mercy which, if I may use the term, has been forced upon you?-proud of grace, which has been give you against your will, until your will was changed by sovereign grace?...all the mercy you have you once refused...Is your name written in his book? Ah! there was a time when, if it had been in your power, you would have erased the sacred lines that contained your own salvation...' 
(Sermon no. 233)

Thought-provoking, hmm? 

The song All I Have is Christ (Sovereign Grace Music) puts it another way. 

'...if you had not loved me first, I would have refused you still.' 

There was nothing about us that explains why God chose to sacrifice His own Son for us. It's not free grace. It's grace at a massive cost to our King. 

Why pay that price for people who hated Him?'s because it's not about us. 

He took the initiative to save us...because He is good. He is loving. 

And we thank Him for that!