Friday, 22 July 2016

183 - Daily grace.

'...His mercies...are new every morning...' (Lamentations 3: 22-23)

A few weeks ago I was rather morbidly reflecting on how I could pinpoint some of the ways I messed up as a Christian, day by day. 

On the Sunday, I was jealous. 

On the Monday, I was bitter and angry with someone.

On the Tuesday, I was a coward and lost a chance to get to know someone better at work. 


God does not look at my failures. He looks back about 2000 years to the day His Son bled on a cross. 

Hear Him whisper:

'This drop of blood is for her jealousy...this for her bitterness...this for her fear...'

He died for each sin before I was even born. I can be forgiven the second after I mess up. 

Thank goodness it doesn't depend on me!

Thank you God that your grace never runs out. Thank you that my sin can never exceed your forgiveness. Thank you for mercies anew!

Tuesday, 12 July 2016

182 - The paradoxes of Christ

'...For in him all the fullness of God was pleased to dwell, and through him to reconcile to himself all things, whether on earth or in heaven, making peace by the blood of his cross.' (Colossians  1: 19-20)

Consider Christ.

We couldn't have made Him up.

Man and God.

King of the Universe, born in a manager among animals.

He who walked among the angels kept company with tax collectors, sinners and a bunch of fishermen who must've been some of the most irritating men in Galilee

He fed 5000 people with a few loaves and fish, yet He refused the temptation to turn rocks into bread.

He held little children in His arms and chased grown men out the temple with a whip.

A King who came not to be served, but to serve.

He could command legions of angels - and yet He died at the hands of men.

He died and lives.

Merciful, He gives men the chance to repent - and one day He will be a stern Judge on those who refuse.

Thank you God for Jesus Christ, your son. Thank you for our King beyond imagination!

Friday, 1 July 2016

181 - When bad dreams are just dreams

This might seem a small thing to you, but some dreams can be genuinely horrible.

They range from minor worries - being late for work - to larger worries - bank card getting stolen - to the deepest terrors we have - the loss of loved ones.

Someone once told me that dreams are a manifestation of our fears - which proves I have quite a lot.

Anyway, the relief that comes from waking up is a pretty great feeling.

I think we can be thankful that bad dreams are just dreams, because they're a reminder that sometimes we can make our fears too big - and that with God in charge, all our fears can be as fleeting as a bad dream.

Because who's going to care about bank cards a few years into eternity?