Friday, 31 May 2013

21 - Books

'A room without books is like a body without a soul.'
― Marcus Tullius Cicero

Those who know me know that I am an extreme bookworm! I have piles of them beside my bed, often read more than one at a time, and will have to buy a lot of bookshelves when I move into a house of my own.

As a result, I have been told I should buy a Kindle...

But the truth is, I have never fully appreciated all that had to happen for me to hold a book in my hands. 

God grew the trees that made the paper on which the book was written. (Unless it's an e-book) 

He inspired the author to write the words. 

Those words had to go through a lot of editing and publishing.

God provided the money for me to buy the book.

He gave me the brains to learn to read.

And he gave me the love of reading. 

I like to think there will be huge libraries in heaven.

Thank you God for books! 

Thursday, 30 May 2013

20 - Brothers

'Let brotherly love continue.' (Hebrews 13:1)

'What strange creatures brothers are!' (Jane Austen)

Having done a post on sisters, I suppose I have to do this one...;)

One of my brothers, whenever he's winding me up, likes to remind me that it is his duty to do so. It's part of the role, you see. Teasing your younger sisters.

Still, for all the teasing, you can't help but love them. Even if they can drive you crazy (or try to do so) they're good for a laugh.

But more than that.

They can show how to live as godly men. If you're a younger brother, you can follow their example. If you're an older brother, you should set the example. If you're a sister, look for the same godly qualities in future boyfriends or husbands. 

Thank you God for brothers. 

Wednesday, 29 May 2013

19 - Grass

'You cause the grass to grow...' (Psalm 104: 14) 

So, at work today, I had to look after a child who wanted to spend the morning sitting in a field of grass. Guess what I came away with on my mind?

The child? Nah, already done a post on children :D


We walk over it many times without a single thought for it. Except when it's in our gardens and needs cutting. 

But what would our world be without grass? Rocks. Dirt. Mud. Sand. Dry, dull, lifeless. Dead grass is brown and prickly. 

Grass is a sign of life, that the earth is fertile and alive.

Next time you walk over it barefoot and feel it between your toes, remember the God who causes it to grow. 

Tuesday, 28 May 2013

18 - Sisters

'...And she had a sister called Mary...' (Luke 10:39) 

'For there is no friend like a sister...' (Christian Rossetti) 

Ooh, I better be careful what I say here. Or certain family members of mine may beat me up. ;)

I consider myself extremely blessed to have been put in a family with five other sisters. I can be aunt to the children of one sister, while giving advice to another on her GCSEs. 

I have been thankful many times for the company of my sisters when attending weddings and parties where we hardly know anyone else. They are my shopping companions, my confidants and my best friends. 

In fact, we spend so much time together, we are often jokingly referred to as being one person! 

Obviously it isn't always fun and games. Sharing a bedroom is often going to result in arguments. There can be bossiness and irritation. 

But really, none of that matters. Because sisters are family and we love and are thankful for them so much. 

(And next time one of them wants to borrow something from me, they'll probably remind me of these words!) 

Monday, 27 May 2013

17 - Music

'...singing and making melody to the Lord with your heart...' (Ephesians 5:19)  

Few people I know pay close attention to the music used in films. In fact, I often get mocked for my interest in soundtracks and their composers. Yet if you watched a film with no music at all, I bet you'd notice the difference. 

Music is quite amazing if you think about it. Sounds strung together in a certain way that is capable of producing so many different feelings in the listener. Sadness, happiness, excitement, fear...

I'm thankful that God made us capable of reacting to music in this way, instead of making us emotionless beings who couldn't care less.

I'm also thankful He gave people the brains to compose such incredible pieces. Who can't be amazed by Handel's Messiah, for example? Or who has been drawn to a film because of the way music was skilfully mixed with clips to give a taste of something you feel you have to see?  

Music can also be used effectively in worship to turn our mind to God. I have no doubt heaven will be a noisy place! 

Thank you God for music. I am excited for the day when I will sing His praises in heaven alongside many, many others! 

16 - Church

'So we, though many, are one body in Christ, and individually members one of another.' (Romans 12:5)

Every person in my life is only there because God decided I needed them in my life. Family, friends...and the members of my church. 

Maybe because they can be can be a godly influence in my life. Maybe because I  can be in theirs.   
(Or maybe because I annoy them so much that through me, God can teach them patience! ;) 

Whatever the reason, may I never forget we are all united in Christ with these people, called into fellowship with them. To be in the same church as them is an incredible blessing from God. 

Yes, no church is perfect. But the one I'm in right now is the one God chose for me. 
And I thank Him for it! 

Saturday, 25 May 2013

15 - Money

' content with what you have...' (Hebrews 13:5)

Ah, money. Something we never seem to have enough of. It can seem like we either spend it too easily or become completely tight-fisted with it. (The latter can certainly be true of me.) 

It can lead to so many decisions! Should I buy this top? This new phone? This coat? Choices, choices!  

There are two things that could be done with our money if we were truly thankful for it. 

First, we would be thankful for what we had, no matter how big or little the amount we have is. (Remember the widow and her offering of two coins, all she had? Now she's a challenge 
 in the way she treats her money) 

Secondly, we can be generous with what we have. Nothing we have is ours, all comes from God. 

Just as long as we do not become like the man who thought he needed 'a little bit more' to be happy. 

Our happiness doesn't lie in money. So, thank you God, for what you have given me. 

Friday, 24 May 2013

14 - Health

'...that you may be in good health...' (3 John 1:2)

After last year, when family members where in A & E with pancreatitis, bronchitis and a chopped finger, I have started to appreciate the blessing that good health is. 

Even then, I don't think I appreciated it enough until I found myself at the doctor's with low iron levels. (Yeah, I know that's lame in comparison to what the others went through, but I hadn't had health problems for years.)

Why is it we don't appreciate things until we lose them? 

The fact we are alive is a blessing enough. The fact many of us can get out of bed, look after ourselves, and not fear a death that may come sooner than we hoped is a sign that God gives us SO much more than we deserve. 

May I be thankful for my health. 

And next time I have a cold, may I be grateful it's not something worse and stop being such a  drip! 

(Sorry. That was a poor pun. But I couldn't resist!) 

Thursday, 23 May 2013

13 - Prayer

'...pray without ceasing...' (1 Thessalonians 5: 17) 

 It's sad how I sometimes see prayer as something I should do more, not something I want to do more. How the only times I remember to pray are when I'm asking for something from God. 

God, the incredible creator of the Universe, not only allows us to come before Him, through Jesus Christ our mediator, He WANTS us to come before Him. 

Think of that. 

Sinful, rebellious enemies. People who constantly disobey Him and reject Him. 

He wants to spend time with us. 

Not only that, but He was the one who made a way to Him through Christ. Now we no longer have to offer sacrifices as the Israelites did. 

We just speak. And He listens. 

Sometimes He speaks back. 

Thank you God for the gift of prayer. 

Wednesday, 22 May 2013

12 - Sunsets

'From the rising of the sun to its setting, the name of the LORD is to be praised!' (Psalm 113:3)

I think this picture says it all. 

Who paints the skies into glorious day? 
Only the splendour of Jesus.
(Stuart Townend)

11 - Water

'...whoever drinks of the water that I will give him will never be thirsty again.' (John 4: 14) 

Like electricity, this is again a luxury that can taken for granted. How many times do we turn on the tap for a drink of water, or to fill the kettle, and not think twice about it?

And let me tell you, if certain people in this house were unable to have their cup of tea or coffee, it would not be pretty...

Which is why I'm extremely thankful for water! 

Thankful I don't have to walk miles to get it, like many others in the world do, that's it clean, that I can easily wash with it. 

I am privileged to have readily available water.  

Tuesday, 21 May 2013

10 - The Bible

' All Scripture is breathed out by God and profitable for teaching, for reproof, for correction, and for training in righteousness' (2 Timothy 3:16) 

I must admit there are times I sit down, open my Bible and think 'Oh well, better get my quiet time done today, so I can get on with other stuff.' 


How can I forget it is the written word of GOD in my hands? Not the work of men who died years ago. The work of GOD! 

I can be thankful He left me His word and did not leave me to struggle through the Christian life alone.

I can be thankful He sent the Holy Spirit to reveal the meaning of what I read and how to apply it to my life. 

I can be thankful for the people who went through so much to write the word, to translate it into my language, to make it readily available to buy and read. 

And I can be thankful that every one of those words are true. God created all. He sent Christ to die for me. One day, He will bring me home to live with Him forever.  

Because His Word is truth! 

Monday, 20 May 2013

9 - Electricity

Funnily enough, there wasn't a Bible verse I could use for this one. :)

We had a power cut this afternoon, reminding me just how many things we use electricity for and how dependent on it we have become.  

No lights. No hot water. No WiFi. No phones. Laptop running on a limited amount of battery.

We just take it for granted. The number of times I walked into a room and flicked the light switch, only for there to be no light...

Thank you God for giving humans the brains to discover electricity!

8 - Birthdays

'...a time to be born...' (Ecclesiastes 3:2)

Wow, what a busy weekend! Hence the lack of posts. 

I totally blame my sister for having a birthday. 

Birthdays are definitely something to be thankful for - presents, food and the perfect material for emotional blackmail, 'But it's my birthday...'

On the other hand, some people only feel depressed about getting older, about the increasing number of candles on the cake. 

But they shouldn't really. 

Each birthday is a reminder that God has brought us safely through another year, another year of undeserved grace, where we deserved punishment but instead receive blessing. 

Every birthday we can look back and think, 'Tis grace that brought me safe thus far and grace will lead me home.' 

Finally, each birthday brings us one step closer to heaven where we will spend eternity with our Saviour forever! 
You may feel that's a grim note to end on, but I see it as a HUGE thing to be thankful for! 

Friday, 17 May 2013

7 - God

“The LORD, the LORD, a God merciful and gracious, slow to anger, and abounding in steadfast love and faithfulness...' (Exodus 34:6)

I know what you must be thinking. Why is God seventh on her list? Why isn't he number one?

Well, Seven... the number of PERFECTION! Ha! 

(That only happened by chance. I'm not that clever)

I've just come from a evening of prayer and praise at my church and it was AMAZING!!! I wish we could stay in those moments forever, joy and contentment and praise and adoration, for we worship an awesome God! (One day - in heaven - we will worship Him forever! How I long for that day!)

I don't think I really need to go into all the reasons we're thankful for our God. I mean, come on. 

He is GOD! 
In no other religion do you come across one like Him! One who is both powerful AND loving. One who loves us despite our treason against Him. One who provided a way of salvation for us. 

He doesn't need us. He never needed us, for in the Trinity, He had everything. 

Yet He made us anyway. 

Praise Him!!!!

(Apologies for all the exclamation marks and capitals. It's late and I'm a little hyper ;) 

6 - Weekend

'..but on the seventh day you shall rest.' (Exodus 34:21) 

It's the weekend! One of the nicest sentences in the English language. (Apart from 'It's the holidays' of course) 

I'm so grateful God gave us time to rest and reflect on his goodness to us. (I'm especially glad Saturday became part of the weekend as well!) 

Sometimes I feel we get through each day by focusing on the weekend. I certainly do! 
Yet like so many of the other blessings God gave me, I just take it for granted.
'Oh good, another weekend, no work for me...' 
Instead, I want to be 'Thank you God for a chance to refresh for another week!' 

Remember, God rested on the seventh day too! 

Thursday, 16 May 2013

5 - Rainbows

'I have set my rainbow in the clouds, and it will be the sign of the covenant between me and the earth. Whenever I bring clouds over the earth and the rainbow appears in the clouds, I will remember my covenant between me and you and all living creatures of every kind. Never again will the waters become a flood to destroy all life. Whenever the rainbow appears in the clouds, I will see it and remember the everlasting covenant between God and all living creatures of every kind on the earth.”' (Genesis 9:13-16) 

Sorry for another weather related post but this beauty appeared outside and I knew I had to write about it. 

Not only do they mean the world will never again be completely flooded, they are, as a sermon once put it a, a reminder 'We're not getting what we deserve. We are getting what we don't deserve.' 

We deserve to be wiped out in another flood. But we're not. Because of Christ, we live! 

Not just a pretty rainbow. An amazing reminder! 

(Plus another reason to be thankful for rain. Without it there would be no RAINbows!) 

4 - Work

'Six days you shall labour, and do all your work...' (Exodus 20:9)

All of us work in some way, whether academically, professionally or at home. Humans were never created to be lazy. 

It isn't always the most enjoyable thing in the world. 
When you crawl out of bed at a time that should be illegal. 
When you stare at a screen that is as blank as your mind, with an essay that won't write itself. 
When your house is a mess and your kids are screaming. 

But God was a worker. Jesus was a worker.

We were given the brains and ability to do work. The strength given by the Holy Spirit. And the seventh day to rest on. ;) 

Work gives us opportunities to share the gospel and to glorify God. So may we seize the chance, whatever form it takes, and thank God for giving it to us! 

Wednesday, 15 May 2013

3 - Children

'Children are a gift from the LORD; they are a reward from him' (Ps 127:3) 

A topic more serious than rain or exercise! :)

Not that I have any children yet, but that's besides the point. Who can't help but smile when their nephew does something funny, or when they see a new baby? 

I love the way children are so open and welcoming, more than adults are most of the time! 

Of course, there are times when kids make it difficult to be thankful - screaming in the night, being rude to you, embarrassing you publicly. 

But when it comes down to it, they're a GIFT from GOD. And we love them. 

2 - Exercise

'...for while bodily training is of some value...' (1 Timothy 4:8)

Another funny choice. Surely exercise is something we feel we have to do, not something to be thankful for?


Suppose I wasn't capable of movement, let alone exercise. Some would love the chance to run, to cycle, to swim. 

I can be thankful God gave me a body that is strong enough to move itself and throw off the pounds I keep putting on. (Hypothetically speaking. They aren't always that easy to throw off.) 

And, once you get past the red-faced, gasping-for-air stage, exercise can really make you feel good. 

Now where did I put those trainers...?

Tuesday, 14 May 2013

1 - Rain

' rain that makes grass to sprout from the earth' (2 Samuel 23: 4) 

Rain? Of everything to be thankful for, why rain? Why not something far more important, like God or our salvation?

Well, I was going to start with one of them, but rain has been on my mind a lot. Probably because it hasn't stopped all day. 

The weather is one of the things I tend to grumble about the most and not see anything wrong in doing so. It's a typical conversation starter.

'Hasn't the weather been awful lately?'
'Oh, I know. All this rain, you wouldn't think it's the summer.'

But just stop for a moment and think. Where would I be without the rain?

  • Dead plants...
  • ...which means no photosynthesis...
  • ...which means no oxygen. Which means we die.
  • No water in the reservoirs...
  • ...which means no water in the taps. Which means we die. 
This doesn't mean I'm not going to feel disappointed next time I look out the window on a day I'd been hoping for a walk/BBQ/fill in the blank. I'm sure I will. 

It just means perhaps I should stop and think next time I start complaining about rain to someone. 

Starting out

The name of this blog was inspired mainly by Matt Redman's song '10,000 Reasons (Bless the Lord)' and partly by Ann Voskamp's book 'One Thousand Gifts.' I was thinking about the two and wondered

Would I really be able to find ten thousand reasons to be thankful to God? To praise him? It really is hard sometimes.

So this is what I'll try to do on this blog.

Find the reasons. I might not manage ten thousand, but it's a good way to start remembering the many blessings God has given us.