Thursday, 16 May 2013

4 - Work

'Six days you shall labour, and do all your work...' (Exodus 20:9)

All of us work in some way, whether academically, professionally or at home. Humans were never created to be lazy. 

It isn't always the most enjoyable thing in the world. 
When you crawl out of bed at a time that should be illegal. 
When you stare at a screen that is as blank as your mind, with an essay that won't write itself. 
When your house is a mess and your kids are screaming. 

But God was a worker. Jesus was a worker.

We were given the brains and ability to do work. The strength given by the Holy Spirit. And the seventh day to rest on. ;) 

Work gives us opportunities to share the gospel and to glorify God. So may we seize the chance, whatever form it takes, and thank God for giving it to us! 

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