Tuesday, 2 July 2013

39 - No Permanent Goodbyes

'...that whoever believes in him should not perish but have eternal life.' (John 3:16)

Recently I have had to say goodbye to some people in my church. Students going home, families moving away, friends going on holiday for weeks. 

But although these goodbyes are sad, it's so good to know that none of them are permanent. 

Because we get to spend eternity with these people in heaven! How do people who don't have this comfort cope? I don't know. 

I'm just thankful Christ's death for us turned a 'goodbye' into a 'see you later'. 


  1. such a geat post. totally agree with you. I suffered a miscarriage in April this year and knowing I will meet my baby in heaven definitely helped.
    keep up the good writing am loving these reasons.

    Rachel Tregear

    1. So sorry to hear about the miscarriage Rachel! But it truly is an encouragement to know that even death cannot separate Christians, isn't it? I look forward to seeing my grandparents again/for the first time :)
