Friday, 31 January 2014

81 - Consideration

'Let each of you look not only to his own interests, but also to the interests of others.' (Philippians  2:4)

God's recently reminded me that a moment of consideration is a jewel to treasure and thank Him for.

We speak so much. How often do we filter what we say?

For example, I finished some work early this week and was able to take today off. But then without thinking, I went talking about it. And for all I know, I could've been telling someone with a long and busy day, who'd like nothing better than to relax at home (which I get to each day). How did my words make them feel?

Or what if we were going on to someone about all the friends we saw recently, all the fun we had?

Do we have to say what we do? Was it vital that the person we tell knew? What were our motives anyway?

In the meantime, the person we've been showing off to goes home feeling...what? Happy for us? Maybe. But the truth is, they're only human. They might feel bitter. Or hurt. Questioning 'Why not me?'

One moment of consideration...just one. A moment when we think 'Do I need to say this?' and we leave words unspoken. Unsaid.

Because one day could change everything, and it could be us who goes home feeling hurt.

Lord, thank you for the many blessings you give both us, and others. May we be grateful for what we receive, yet considerate that others may not be receiving the same. May this knowledge hold our tongues, and make us grateful for each moment of consideration that others show us - both seen and unseen.

80 - Now

'Therefore my heart is glad, and my whole being rejoices' (Psalm 16:9)

Why is it that I keep looking to the future? 

'When I go to collage...go to uni...get a job...get married...have kids.' Do I think this will make me any happier? 

Heck, I even count the days till the weekend! 

God has recently challenged me to be thankful for the season of life I'm in right now. Embrace each day and everything it brings to the fullest. 

Because each day is a precious one that Christ shed His blood to purchase for us. And we are so thankful for 

Lord, thank you for now. 

Sunday, 26 January 2014

79 - People joining the church

'And the Lord added to their number day by day those who were being saved.' (Acts 2:47)

In our church today we had the blessing of seeing several people officially becoming members. It's good when God makes His family grow in this way. Obviously it's not all about filling seats but bringing glory to His name, and the sight of a church expanding and becoming established in a community is something to be very grateful for! 

(But God hasn't just brought people to our church. In His wisdom, He has moved some away and on. And although it's sad, we can be grateful He has new plans for them, new ways to glorify God. )

That being said, I absolutely love the church God put me in and am thankful when I see more people join the family we have become. If I had my way, they'd never leave! ;) At least we will all be unified in heaven. 

Thank you God for the growth of your body, your house, your family! 
Thank you for the church! 

Wednesday, 22 January 2014

78 - God's timing

'Wait for the Lord; be strong, and let your heart take courage; wait for the Lord!' (Psalm 27:14)

God's timing is perfect. 

Anyone want to argue against that? I doubt that. Because when you look back at your past, you cannot help but see the hand of God at work. Maybe there were hard times you still don't understand. But on the whole, you see His goodness controlling all. 

Now to be vain and use my own life as an illustration...

I hated doing Textiles AS. My teachers were annoying, the work pointless...I couldn't wait to drop it. Yet I'll never regret the choice to take it. Why? Because another student taking Textiles as well became one of the best friends I made at Sixth Form. A friend I'm still in touch with, about two or three years later. God's timing was perfect. 

I've recently changed homegroups in my church. I felt for a while like my old one was no longer the right place for me to be, yet I didn't rush in, but waited a while. And now I'm in a group I wouldn't have chosen at first. Two of my good friends are going to be in it too. God's timing is perfect. 

So why do I keep forgetting that? Twisting my mind into knots over this and that. If it's meant to happen, it'll happen. All in His good time. He had all of eternity to plan. 

Thank you God for your patient timing, where I would rush in headlong. Thank you for the peace that can be found in your sovereign control of all things. 

77 - Mothers

'Her children rise up and call her blessed; her husband also, and he praises her' (Proverbs 31:28)

Seems only right... ;)

What can I say that adequately describes my love for my Mum?  

I can't really. God chose her, her, out of every woman in all of history to be MY mum. And I'm so thankful He did. She is a friend who listens. She provides meals and clean clothes and so much more. 

But most of all, she is a godly role model for me. I can honestly say - sorry if this sounds cliché - that I want to be like her when I grow up. 

Are you as thankful for you mothers? Maybe you don't have as good as a relationship with them as others do. But there must be some mother figure in your life - a friend, a grandma, an auntie - who you can lean on. 

And even if there's not - God, our Father, provides all the love that no mother on earth can ever give to the same degree that He does. And mothers are pretty devoted to their kids!

Lord, thank you for my Mum, for all mothers. Thank you for the way they bring us into the world and raise us. Thank you that their love is just another reflection of Your love for Your own children. 

You are good!  

Monday, 13 January 2014

76 - Fathers

'Fathers, ...bring [your children] up in the discipline and instruction of the Lord.' (Ephesians 6:4)

Perhaps you're wondering why I've waited this long to write a post on fathers. Well, in response, I'd point out I have written a post on the Holy Spirit yet...all in the right time. 

I love my dad so much. 

I really don't know where our family would be if we didn't have his wisdom and calm common sense to lead us. (Not to mention the DIY, taxi service and pest control...)

There aren't enough words to thank God for putting a man like him as head of the family. Who raised me up to follow the Lord. 

Dad may be my earthly father, but he remembers to point to my Heavenly Father first. 

Are you thankful for your fathers? Obviously they're not perfect, no-one is. Obviously there are times you get annoyed or irritated by them. 
Perhaps they died when you were young, or more recently. 
Perhaps - for those of you reading this who I've not met - perhaps they were unkind or cruel to you. In those cases, remember you have that Father in heaven who NEVER lets you down.  

God, thank you so much for my fathers - Dad...and You! 

Sunday, 12 January 2014

75 - Clean sheets

It may be simple, but one of the nicest experiences ever is climbing into a bed with freshly changed sheets and laying your head on the soft and clean pillow.

As you can tell, I'm easily pleased.

But many don't even have a bed on which to sleep, let alone new sheets to put on!  May we always be thankful for small blessings. Thankful we're not on the streets, while thinking of ways to help those who are.

Tuesday, 7 January 2014

74 - TV Shows

I'm aware that just like Facebook, TV can be a major distraction to many. That's why my parents decided it was best not to have one in our house, a decision I'm grateful for!

But there are still some programmes we can watch on iplayer and they are enjoyed very much.

Sunday evenings, our family will sit down together and watch Downton Abbey. 

Yesterday, my two sisters and I watched a episode of Sherlock. And the chance to do that - to appreciate good writing, acting and camera work, to sit and laugh till we cry - is a chance I'm grateful to God for.

Monday, 6 January 2014

73 - New Year

'Giving thanks... for everything to God'. (Eph 5:20)

' give you a future and a hope.' (Jeremiah 29:11)

Happy 2014!

The end of one year and the start of a new one is a brilliant time to count the reasons we can thank God.

For new friendships made and old friendships strengthened.

For the continued health and safety of our families.

Even for the hard times, for He brought us through them.

It's good to look back and see the finger of God at work.

And it's good to look forward and know He will bless us just as much, maybe more!

Thank you God for another year to be lived for your glory!