Wednesday, 22 January 2014

77 - Mothers

'Her children rise up and call her blessed; her husband also, and he praises her' (Proverbs 31:28)

Seems only right... ;)

What can I say that adequately describes my love for my Mum?  

I can't really. God chose her, her, out of every woman in all of history to be MY mum. And I'm so thankful He did. She is a friend who listens. She provides meals and clean clothes and so much more. 

But most of all, she is a godly role model for me. I can honestly say - sorry if this sounds cliché - that I want to be like her when I grow up. 

Are you as thankful for you mothers? Maybe you don't have as good as a relationship with them as others do. But there must be some mother figure in your life - a friend, a grandma, an auntie - who you can lean on. 

And even if there's not - God, our Father, provides all the love that no mother on earth can ever give to the same degree that He does. And mothers are pretty devoted to their kids!

Lord, thank you for my Mum, for all mothers. Thank you for the way they bring us into the world and raise us. Thank you that their love is just another reflection of Your love for Your own children. 

You are good!  

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