Sunday, 23 February 2014

87 - Knitted Jumpers

Does much need saying on this?

As long as it's not the horrible itchy kind of wool, it's so nice in the cold weathers to grab a jumper from your wardrobe, pull it on and enjoy its cosy warmth. 

But who made the sheep on whose back the wool grew?

Who made the plants used to make the dye?

All things, all good things, come from Him. God. Our Loving Father.

May we not take them for granted. 

Thank you God for woolly jumpers! 

86 - Spring's first flowers

'For behold, the winter is past; the rain is over and gone. The flowers appear on the earth...' (Song of Solomon 2:11-12)  

I was walking through the park on a cold, grey day recently. Thoughts and anxieties, particularly about the future, filled my mind and I felt tired and very, very depressed. 

Then I saw them. 

Even though it still felt like a winter's day, a few crocus flowers had pushed their way out of the ground. And that simple sight was enough to put a smile on my face. 

Because no matter what we're going through, it doesn't last forever, no matter how it might feel it does. Winter will be over and Spring is nearer than we think. 

And God has given us all these small and simple beauties to remind us of the Eternal Joy that awaits us. 

So, thank you God for being there always and reminding us of your presence with the little things of life. Thank you that the grey of Winter doesn't last forever. New life awaits.

Thank you Lord! 

Monday, 17 February 2014

85 - The wind

'The wind blows where it wishes, and you hear its sound, but you do not know where it comes from or where it goes.' (John 3:8)

We've had some crazy weather here in England recently. Wind so strong that trees are knocked over and when you walk it practically carries you along with it. 

Wind can be dangerous, demolishing anything in its path.

It can just be annoying, stealing your scarf and blowing your hair all over the place (mostly if you're a girl. Guys don't tend to have this problem so much...)

But, like everything else, we can be thankful for it too. 

The wind blows the rain clouds to refresh our grounds - and it blows them away again that the sun may come through again. 

It pulls the autumn leaves from the branches, allowing new ones to grow at spring time. 

And it's a reminder that something invisible can still exist, still have great power, even if we can't see it. Because we see the effects it has. 

Much like our Lord. 

Thank you God for the wind. 

Sunday, 9 February 2014

84 - Lie-ins

'...he gives to his beloved sleep' (Psalm 127:2)

A bonus of working from home is the freedom to choose when to get up. I get a great deal of satisfaction in snoozing my alarm and snuggling back down under the duvet. If I was really mean, I might say that the fact my two sisters have to get up earlier than me makes the chance to lie in all the more sweeter...

...But I'd never say such a thing! 

In all seriousness, the chance to lie in - for most people, Saturday morning - is a blessing we shouldn't let slide. 

God created us for work, but made a day especially for resting too. 

Let's thank Him for it!

(I write a post like this, but if I ever became a mum and I had a child who was indulging in a lie-in for longer than they should, I might be tempted to march in and yell Proverbs 6:9 at them.


But that's just me ;)    )

83 - Boasting in Christ

'But far be it from me to boast except in the cross of our Lord Jesus Christ, by which the world has been crucified to me, and I to the world.' (Galatians 6:14)

I want to establish at the start that I judge no-one with what I write. The only heart I know is my own, and I thank God He sees and forgives it. 

There's a very fine line between sharing good news with others and boasting of our own achievements. Christmas news letters can be a stumbling block in this area. Social networks could be another.


King Solomon had one word for them all. VANITY. Without Christ, it's all empty, all pointless. When we stand before God, is He going to be impressed by how many GCSES we got? How well behaved our children were? 


All that matters is Christ, and how we glorified Him. Earthly achievements can do this, but it's a very, very hard balance to make. 

That's why I'm thankful for the humble and godly people in my life who are so full of love for their Saviour and what He's done, that they can barely stand to speak a sentence without referring to Him. 

OK, so that was slightly exaggerated, but you get the idea. 

What wins people to Christ? Their own achievements - or His greatest on the cross? 

Lord, remind me of this when I'm stressing over my next assignment.

I thank you that I can be a HUGE failure in earthly terms...because Christ was the greatest success in Your terms. And because of Him, I am too. 

May I boast only in You! 

Wednesday, 5 February 2014

82 - Texture

'The earth was without form and void...' (Genesis 1:2) 

Wouldn't the earth be dull if God had made everything the same texture? Suppose everything was'd be awfully slippery for a start. Car wheels on the road might be a bit of a nightmare, let alone trying to walk!

But do we ever stop and think about the different textures God put into the world? The bumpy bark of a tree, the roughness of a stone wall, the softness of grass - I've said it before, and I'll say it many more times. God is an imaginative Creator. 

Next time I lay my head on a soft pillow, or use the rough bristles of a washing brush to clean a dirty plate, I will pray (or try to) 'Thank you God for your variety. Thank you for texture.'