Monday, 17 February 2014

85 - The wind

'The wind blows where it wishes, and you hear its sound, but you do not know where it comes from or where it goes.' (John 3:8)

We've had some crazy weather here in England recently. Wind so strong that trees are knocked over and when you walk it practically carries you along with it. 

Wind can be dangerous, demolishing anything in its path.

It can just be annoying, stealing your scarf and blowing your hair all over the place (mostly if you're a girl. Guys don't tend to have this problem so much...)

But, like everything else, we can be thankful for it too. 

The wind blows the rain clouds to refresh our grounds - and it blows them away again that the sun may come through again. 

It pulls the autumn leaves from the branches, allowing new ones to grow at spring time. 

And it's a reminder that something invisible can still exist, still have great power, even if we can't see it. Because we see the effects it has. 

Much like our Lord. 

Thank you God for the wind. 

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