Saturday, 19 April 2014

95 - Those who look for the good in people

The truth of it is, there's a lot of bad in people. We're sinners, after all. We're proud. Angry. Fearful. Annoying. Spiteful.

And yet...

There are those who look beyond the sin. I don't mean they pretend it isn't there. I mean they recognise that we are all as bad as each other. They recognise there is still much good to be found - good that God has been growing within them over the years. Any good in people's lives is because of God. How easily we forget that.

These people recognise that the long and boring story someone's telling you might be an attempt to be friendly. They recognise the questions the dentist throws at you as you sit in their chair with your mouth full of tubes might be an attempt to put you at ease and pass the time that could be awkward for them too.

I wish I was like this. All too often I'm quick to see the negative, to complain behind backs, to gossip.

If only I could remember to look with the eyes of a man who saw a heart of love and worship in the social outcast of a woman who cried at his feet, who saw a leader in the disciple who denied him.

I want to look at people as Christ did!

Until I can grow in this way, I will be thankful for the people God placed in my life to remind me to look for the good in people, not tear them down for the bad.

Thank you God for the ultimate example of your Son, for the Spirit who makes us more like You that we can look at people as You do!

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