Sunday, 14 December 2014

130 - A choice of clothes

Ahh! It's been ages since I last posted on here! I do apologise. My only defence is that I've been feeling down with a really bad cough and cold all week, so my head's not really been with it...

Anyway! I digress.

To any guy reading this - don't leave in panic, thinking I'm about to start talking about dresses and patterns and t-shirts, and how nice it is to have a variety...

Well, it is, but that's not what I want to focus on.

Today, my nephew accidentally spilt a drink over me. Of course, I just went upstairs and changed into a set of clean clothes.

But later, I thought about how easy that'd been to do, and how I just taken those clothes waiting in my cupboard for granted - when many people in the world only have the things they wear and nothing else. No jumpers to layer up if they get cold. No fresh cleanly washed garments.

So, I want to start looking for ways to help these people.
And as I do, may I never forget to be thankful for the blessings God's given me in being able to afford a choice of clothes!

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