Sunday, 10 May 2015

149 - Political outcomes

'Let every person be subject to the governing authorities. For there is no authority except from God, and those that exist have been instituted by God...' (Romans 3:1)

With the general election been and gone, it seemed the perfect time to write this post. 

One visit to Facebook (that social media site which can be a blessing or a curse) shows that many people are unhappy with the Conservative majority. Some alarmingly so. 

How do we forget so easily that it is God who is control, not the government?

Are we saying He made a mistake when the Conservatives won? No! 

He's King. And the King rules over the Prime Minister - whether the Prime Minister knows it or not. 

Thank you God that You are our true authority - the highest. Thank you that you are in control of all political outcomes. Thank you that all earthly authorities are subject to You. 

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