Saturday, 3 September 2016

184 - Saying sorry first

'So if you are offering your gift at the altar and there remember that your brother has something against you, leave your gift there before the altar and go. First be reconciled to your brother, and then come and offer your gift.' (Matt 5:23-24)

Arguments are horrible, and they can leave both sides feeling angry, bitter...and self-righteous. Both feel they're in the right and that it was all the other person's fault.

I speak from experience of course. I'm sad to say I've often been that proud person.

But what is amazing is when the Holy Spirit reaches past that coldness and touches your heart. When He shows you that it takes two to fight. That even if the other person might have started it, you carried it on.

You're both guilty. But God made sure you could both be forgiven.

We can be thankful when the Holy Spirit reminds us of this truth. And thankful when He gives us the power to do one of the hardest things - say sorry first. Swallowing our pride, going out to seek that person, apologising (genuinely, not just a "Sorry if I made you angry...") and not being sure how they'll react. Not everyone says "I'm sorry too" or "That's OK."

But we can be thankful to God that, either way, He helped us do the right thing.

And that He always forgives, even if humans don't.

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