Friday, 6 January 2017

186 - Peace

'Now the God of peace be with you all.' (Romans 15:33)

I haven't written in here for a loooong time.

As most of you reading this probably know, I recently lost my brother.

You can't imagine loss till you go through it. Even now, grief is hard to describe. The shock, the tears, the empty hollow feeling that stays with you day after day...

And yet..

Through it all, we can testify that God has shown His goodness to us in many ways.

One of those ways is peace and certainty.

Peace that He is in control.

That He knows best.

That we will see my brother again in Heaven.

That Death is not the end - because the Prince of Peace shed His blood for us.

Thank you God for peace in the storms.


  1. So pleased to see you back on here, and so proud of you that you can write about this. Praising God for the peace He has given you, praying He will keep giving it. So much love xxx
