Sunday, 8 December 2013

67 - Facebook

'Many will say they are loyal friends, but who can find one who is truly reliable? ' (Proverbs 20:6)

This is a tough one to write. Because recently I have seen so many examples of Facebook used in a  heartbreaking way - people either deliberately or ignorantly brandishing their friendships and exciting lives in the face of others. 

'Look at me. I'm so popular. I've been spending time with this person. This person likes me! 

PLEASE, PLEASE don't feel I'm being judgemental.  I've been guilty of this sort of behaviour before. Thoughtless of how it makes others feel - lonely, left out, unpopular. 

But although Facebook can be used in such a tragic way, I am determined to see the blessings God has given to those who use it. Because His blessings are everywhere. 

Facebook allows you to remain in contact with friends that would have otherwise disappeared into your past a long time ago. For example, I am able to connect with people from where I used to live, along with people who have moved abroad. Just seeing their faces brings them a little bit closer. 

Facebook can tell you important information about someone. Don't jump to the wrong conclusion! In Sixth Form, I was able to find a Christian friend through Facebook, something that might not have come out as quickly through conversation. 

Photos and videos can be stored online, moments of beauty or joy that can bless others. 

God, thank you for the technology that allows us to experience the blessing of socialising with others - people you have brought into our lives for a reason. 
May I use it always for your glory. 

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