'For unto you is born this day in the city of David a Saviour, who is Christ the Lord.' (Luke 2:11)
In previous posts I've talked of the specifics of Christmas. Now I look at it as a whole event.
From the moment Adam and Eve bit into the fruit in Eden...no, further back. Before the world was created, before time, in the eternity when there was only the Father, Son and Holy Spirit in a perfect relationship, the Trinity, God saw how everything would be.
He would make humans - beings in his own image for a relationship with him.
But they would rebel and turn against him. He didn't want to destroy them. But His holiness would demand a price for their sin. So what did He do?
Throughout history, He would weave events together, carefully controlling them, building them towards the right moment.
The calling of Abraham. Jacob's betrayal of Esau. Jospeh leading the Israelites to Egypt. Moses leading them to Canaan. The Judges. The Kings. The build up was perfect.
At exactly the right moment, not a day early or late, the Holy Spirit overshadowed a young and ordinary virgin. And the full glory of God did the miraculous by becoming the mundane - a human.
Christmas is not just another holiday to look forward on the calender. It was the outcome of God's sovereign work over history.
And it wasn't even the climax! For the child born in that stable would grow up...and Easter would come.
Thank you God for Christmas!
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