Tuesday 8 October 2013

58 - Appearance

'Man looks on the outward appearance, but the Lord looks on the heart.' (1 Samuel 16:7)

You're in the bathroom. You look in the mirror. And what do you feel about the reflection that looks back? 

Sadly, I bet most of us find some imperfection that has to be corrected. 'My hair's frizzy.' 'I have spots.' 'I'm too fat.' 'My eyes look bloodshot.' 'I have wrinkles.' 'I should have gone to the gym more.' 

While it is true that some things are a result of a lifestyle, the point remains that we are all made in the image of God. He saw you before the foundation of the earth. He lovingly knit you together in the womb, deciding on your hair and eye colour, your height, your temperament, your character. His Son died for You. And He never judges us by the outward appearance. 

So what makes us think we have the right?

Instead, we should look in the mirror and think 'I may not be a model. But God doesn't care. He decided the way I look. He loves me the way I am so much, that His Holy Spirit actually lives within me! So who care if I have flaws? Because God will one day give me a new and perfect body, and until then, I'm content!' 

Okay, you might not think all that, especially first thing in the morning!

But the least we can manage is a simple

'Thank you God for the way I am.' 

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